Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Letter "H"

Today Haley had to give a presentation at school on the letter H. The assignment was to find things around your house that begin with the first letter of your name and bring them to school. It was sort of like a show and tell. We gathered up a Hairdryer, a Hanger, a Hat, Halloween movies, a toy Hot Dog, and the Helper Hand out of the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. I also thought it would be fun to bring the kids Hamburgers for lunch so I took a welcome break from work about midday and ran to McDonalds. Haley's teacher knew I would be doing that so she had Haley wait to present her other stuff until I got there. So I got to see her presentation! She was such a big girl up there in front of her classmates and I was so proud. I love that she is in a school where its okay and even encouraged for parents to be part of those types of things. I know I say it all the time but she is growing up so fast and I hope the day that she doesn't want me there for her presentations, class parties, etc. stays far far away!!!

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