Today was one of those days that made me question a lot of things in my life. Mainly, am I doing what I am supposed to be doing with it? Did I pick the right career? Or am I in the wrong line of work? If I am in the wrong line of work, what is the right line of work? If I didn't pick the wrong career, did I take the wrong job? Am I being a good wife and mother? Do my friends think I am a good friend? Do I take care of the house well enough? Or the yard? I could go on and on, but I think you get the idea.
If I had to choose my biggest flaw it would be my desire to achieve perfection in just about every aspect of my life. Obviously that is an impossible goal, but I shoot for it anyway. And on the days here it is especially clear that I am not perfect, I tend to be very hard on myself. I wish that wasn't the case. If it weren't I probably wouldn't be so stressed out and worried about something all the time. I am so bad about worrying that occaisionally I will realize that I am not worrying about anything and then I'll worry about the fact that I am not worrying. I know. I'm nuts.
The truth is, nothing life altering or earth shattering happened to me today. I just didn't have the greatest day. It probably didn't help that neither one of the girls slept all night last night so I was at a disadvantage before the alarm went off. I had a lot to get done at the office in a short amount of time, and that is usually a recipe for disaster. Truth be told the day could have been much, much worse. I just need to relax, get a good night's sleep (please, please, let me sleep!!), and start fresh in the morning. If nothing else, tomorrow is Friday and that's good for something, right???
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