Friday, February 19, 2010

I Love Facebook!!

I have a confession: I love Facebook. I really do. I love reconnecting with friends from high school and college. I love seeing pictures of their families and finding out what they have been up to. I love knowing when something good happens to one of my friends or when they need encouragement or prayer. I have to admit I don't particularly care about anyone's Farm, Mafia War, or Sorority, but for the most part I think the whole Facebook concept is pretty cool. Its true that the majority of my Facebook friends are really only acquaintances. If it weren't for Facebook I would have no idea where any of them were or what they were doing. On the other hand I do owe a handful of ladies who have become great friends to Facebook. Why am I going on so much about Facebook? Last night before I went to bed I was checking my Facebook via my phone and got a less than enthusiastic response from my husband. Its not that he's anti-Facebook or anything. He actually has an account. He just doesn't understand my "fascination" with it. I guess maybe I am somewhat of an addict as far as checking status updates is concerned. In my defense I have gotten a lot better these past few weeks as my work has slowly taken over certain areas of my life. And until I start asking for help with my farm or recruiting members for my sorority I will refuse to believe that I have a problem. I enjoy using Facebook and I will not apologize for it. Now, if you will excuse me I need to check my Facebook account. JUST KIDDING!!!!!

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