Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Time Flies When You're Having Fun

Wow!! It's been one month exactly since I last posted. So much for commitment, huh? It isn't that I haven't wanted to post or that I haven't had anything to post about. I have just been so FREAKIN BUSY!!! The good news is that it is now the middle of February and my yearly torment known as tax season is a third of the way over. Even better, today is Mardi Gras Day, or Fat Tuesday. Personally as someone who did not grow up around Mardi Gras, I could really care less about it, except for the fact that I get a day off from work!!! I did actually go to a parade this year. Not in Mobile, but in downtown Fairhope. I enjoyed it a lot, although I went more for Haley than for myself. She had a blast getting beads and moon pies (her new favorite snack), but it was really too cold. I think it was somewhere around 32 or 33 degrees that night. I know...you're thinking, "Come on, its February. Its winter. Its SUPPOSED to be cold." Well, maybe it is in some places, but NOT in Mobile, AL. At least not this cold. I have lived here for almost seven years and I don't think I have experienced this cold of a winter here yet. I absolutely cannot wait for spring!!! I want to open up the windows to my house and let in the warm fresh air. I want to plant flowers in my yard. I want to spring clean my house. I want to run in the mornings again. Oh yeah, and I don't want to spend half of my weekends at the office. But that goes without saying. (For the record, I really do like my job. Its just a little crazy this time of year). Anyway, back to today. I am home and my girls are napping. My husband is at work painting his new office. I must say its nice to have some quiet time to myself. Its such a rare thing I almost didn't know what to do!! I've been doing some stuff around the house since we are having visitors the rest of the week. My dad and his wife are driving down from Huntsville tomorrow. Haley is out of school all week (Mardi Gras again) so I was in need of free babysitters and we haven't seen them since Thanksgiving. It should be a nice visit and Brent and I always look forward to extra helpers. I guess I better wrap this up before the little ones wake up. It nice to be back. I promise I will try not to stay away so long!

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