Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Feelin Pretty Good

Yesterday was a record setting day for me.  Before yesterday the longest distance I have run since I started back up a few weeks ago was 3.2 miles.  Last night I hit 4.25.  4.25 miles! I don't think I have ever run that far at one time in my whole life.  Needless to say I was pretty proud of myself.  Still am.  And the odd thing is that I expected my legs to be so stiff today, but no.  I haven't felt the slightest bit of discomfort.  Will I run that far every night?  I doubt it.  Although it felt great, and I thoroughly enjoyed the quality time I got to spend alone with my iTunes, that run took almost an hour.  Sadly I do not think I can commit to putting in that kind of time every day or even every other day.  My goal at present is to run 2-3 miles during the week and shoot for 4 or more on the weekends. 

I am also proud to say that as of about an hour ago we are expecting the delivery of a pair of Keds Saddle shoes from Amazon, as well as a backpack, lunchbox, and water bottle from Pottery Barn Kids.  AND if that weren't enough Miss Haley has reservations at Pump It Up for her birthday party in August.  So I am feeling pretty good right now and loving that I can cross some things off my to do list.  So good in fact that I think I will reward myself by taking the rest of the night off.  Time to pour a glass of wine and find something on t.v.  Goodnight!!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Back to Reality

About one week ago, I was packing for our usual trip to Lake Martin to celebrate the 4th of July. Today I am sitting here after a long day at work and a long evening of housework wishing I was still there. I don't know what it is, but there is something so peaceful about being up there. Maybe its the whole "small town and slower pace" thing. I really don't know. All I know is that I sleep better when I am there and the only thing I worry about is making sure everyone gets plenty of sunscreen. Oh well, I guess all good things must come to an end and so here I sit until Labor Day when we will make the drive again for one last long weekend on the water.

In the meantime, I have more than enough to keep me occupied. First of all, July is a busy month at the office so there's never a dull moment there. Then outside of all the usual stuff I get to take care of between 5 p.m and 11-ish p.m. here is a list of "extras" that have got to get done soon or I know I will regreat it: Order Haley's backpack, lunch box, and shoes for school, buy extra shorts to wear under her uniform, take her uniform to have the hem let out some (thank you Lord they still fit in the shoulders!), schedule her 5 yr check up, book her birthday party and everything that goes along with that (i.e. get supplies, order cupcakes, mail invitations, etc.). I am sure I have left something off, but I am too tired to remember what it is. Maybe it will come back to me as I cross off some of this. All I know is I am really looking forward to Labor Day.....

Monday, June 6, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!!!

Two Saturdays ago, I turned the big 3-1!! For the past couple of years birthdays have had a nostalgic effect on me. I flash back to birthdays past and remember what my life was like back in the day. I see how far I've come in some areas and how far I still have to go in others. Some of the memories are good and some not so good. Sometimes I wish I could go back in time just for a brief moment and then sometimes I'm glad I can't! Anyway, last year (when I turned the big 3-0) I started making a list of goals for the next year of my life. So here we go:

1. Run at least three times a week.

2. Drink more water.

3. Watch less TV.

4. Read more books, particulary my Bible.

5. Finish off at least one partially decorated room in my house before the big 3-2

6. Spend more time in prayer.

7. Try to live Proverbs 31 to the best of my ability.

8. Finish my girls' baby books.

9. Keep trying to follow the routines on to hopefully one day achieve my goal of having an organized home with substantially less clutter.

10. Have a postive attitude regardless of what comes my way.

11. Make decisions that are what's best for me and my family based on prayer, not based on what I think my family, friends, co-workers, etc. would say.

And there you have it. My goals for the next year of my life. On a less serious note, the day was a good one. I spent most of the morning cleaning my house, met a good friend in the afternoon for a pedicure, and then spent the evening with my family enjoying cake and ice cream. I think its going to be a good year. I certainly have a lot to look forward to. Kindergarten, potty training, etc. Just in case you are wondering the future kindergartener and potty-trainee are two different children. The one starting kindergarten has been successfully going to the potty for two years.

Well...I guess I better get off this computer for a while. It seems I have quite a few things that need my attention!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Taking Baby Steps

It took me almost a week, but I finally completed the first baby step off of FlyLady's website. I shined my sink. Everything I have been reading for the past several days led me to believe that doing this one little thing and making it a daily priority was going to totally change my attitude toward my home. Alright, I admit I am probably exaggerating just a bit, but so far I don't feel any different. My house is still messy and cluttered and overwhelming. Except now my kitchen sink is shiny. But I guess it is a start and I have decided that I am going to be totally committed to this. So I will continue to baby step my way to peace and organization. Here's hoping for noticable progress very soon!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

An End to the Chaos

Now that my busy season at work is over its time for me to turn my attention to all of the things in my life that have been put on the back burner for the past four months. Mainly my home. I tried to spend every free second I could with Brent and the girls or sleeping. So other than laundry and dishes, not much cleaning has taken place around here in quite a while. I have to give a shout out to Brent though. He really did take on a lot while I worked late at night and on Saturdays. We somehow did manage to paint the hall and the laundry room and clean all of the carpets in the midst of the craziness. But now that craziness is over and I am taking a new approach to getting things back in order.

A few days ago one of my friends on Facebook posted something about getting some of her organizational tips from the website I had never heard of it so I decided to check it out. Talk about overwhelming!! So many lists and tasks and journals and steps to declutter your life!! My first thought was to give up before even giving the system a try. What I was reading sounded great, but the reality is that I felt like I was going to need at least one extra hour in the a.m. and one in the p.m. to complete the morning routine and night time routine. I posted my discouragement on Facebook and something interesting happened. Several friends told me how they used this system and it really worked. So today I set out to begin "flying" as they call it. I joined the email group and had Brent pick up the stuff I needed to shine my sink (I recommend visiting the site to find out more about that one). Sadly there was a lot going on today and I never actually got around to shining my sink, but I am determined that I will do it tomorrow. I am going to jump in with both feet. Obviously my form of organization isn't working so I figure this is at least worth a try. I can't end up any worse off than I am right now!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Work, Eat, Sleep, Repeat

That is what I have been doing for the past however many days since I have posted anything. Mostly working, but I don't do well without food or sleep. Believe me I've tried. Oh yeah and I have also been cleaning. I don't want to brag or anything, but I am really proud of myself for getting ALL of my laundry done in one day last weekend. I don't think that's ever happened before. Ever. So that's it. Nothing exciting to report here. Hopefully next time I will have something more entertaining to share!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Rory Gilmore Pro/Con List

If you have never seen an episode of the television show, Gilmore Girls, let me first begin by saying that you have no idea what you are missing and should make every effort to catch an episode as soon as possible. The series actually ended a few years ago, but you can catch the re-runs on ABC Family and SoapNet. Okay, advertisement over. All you really need to know for right now is one of the main characters in the show is Rory Gilmore and she is known for making just about every major decision in her life by using a pro/con list. So what does that have to do with me? Brent and I have a big decision to make about our house. There is a very large window in our oldest daughter's room that has leaked for years. We have spent some major bucks in repairs to fix it, but none of them have worked. For about the last four or five months we have been working with a contractor to pinpoint exactly where the water is coming from, but have had no luck. Even so he has come up with some options that we can choose from that he thinks will solve the problem. There are three choices and they are basically expensive, really expensive, and you've got to be kidding me. You can probably guess which choice is my favorite. Yep. You are right. Its you've got to be kidding me. Whether or not I get you've got to be kidding me is yet to be determined. Enter the pro/con list. I am a terrible decision maker. But like Rory, I am pretty analytical and like to think about things from every angle so I am hoping that having the good and bad about each option on paper where I can see it will help. I will also be relying on good old fashioned prayer. I would definitely not turn down divine intervention right now. I'll let you know what we choose and if my theory on using a pro/con list is any good or not. I am hoping it is....otherwise its gonna take me forever to make up my mind.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Its the Little Things In Life

Despite the fact that today is Monday, it was a GREAT day. Here's why: 1. I left work before 6:30 p.m. 2. I came home to find a new Pottery Barn catalogue in the mail. 3. In just 10 short minutes, I will be watching a new episode of Bethenny Ever After. 4. While I watch Bethenny Ever After, Brent has promised to shampoo the carpet in our bedroom. 5. As I type this Brent is in the kitchen cleaning up the dinner that he cooked. Yes, it has been and should continue to be a great Monday.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Runner's High

I mentioned in yesterday's post that I went for a run when I got home from work. The craziest thing happened today - I DID IT AGAIN!!! And I enjoyed it immensely. Many moons ago, when Brent and I were engaged, I got up every morning at 5:30 and ran. I don't remember ever being in better shape. With warmer weather and swimsuit season rapidly approaching, I've decided that its time to start heading back in that direction. So for now the goal is to run at least three nights a week after work. I really prefer running in the morning, but right now its still very dark out as early as I'd need to go so maybe as the days get longer I can make the switch. I'm also trying to decide if I want to do another session of boot camp. I did two sessions of Bodies By Cindy's Boot Camp last summer and was able to lose pretty much all of my baby weight that hung around after Emme was born. You can read a little more about it here. I really enjoyed it, but it is a commitment. Not just a commitment to come to the classes and give it your best, but a commitment to really watch what types of food you eat and how much you eat. It's not easy, but if you do it right you can see some major results. I've actually kept all of the weight off throughout the year and to tell you the truth I think I am almost more proud of that fact than I am of the fact that I lost the weight in the first place. We'll see if I can lose some more with my new running routine which has been in place for a whopping two days. Hey, you gotta start somewhere!! Besides, even if I don't shed tons of pounds its a least a good stress reliever. And who couldn't use one of those?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What a Wonder an Hour Can Do

After another 10+ hour day at work I strategically planned my arrival home to coincide with the start of Haley's dance class. Translation = I knew I'd have the house to myself for at least an hour. And it was probably the most wonderful hour I have had in quite some time. First, I went for a run. That's right. You heard me. A run. My legs are incredibly sore right now but its that good kind of sore that you actually want to get more of. Then I watered my ferns and hibiscus trees, which is another major accomplishment since I am known for spending good $$$ on plants during the spring and then unintentionally letting them die for lack of water. Next, I came inside and started dinner. I even had a few minutes to sit down before the husband and the kids got home. By the time they came through the door I almost felt like a normal person again, not the one that is held hostage by her office and barely sees the light of day for four months. After dinner, baths, and bedtime I somehow mustered up the energy to pay bills and clean the floors in the laundry room and hallway. Sure, its not a lot, but compared to my usual nighttime routine as of late, which is basically do what I can to get the girls to bed and then crash, its at least something.

Its too bad I can't have an hour to myself like that every day. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to look forward to next Tuesday and hope for a repeat!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Longer Days Ahead

I have a love/hate relationship with Daylight Savings Time. I love longer daylight, I hate the "adjustment period". So for the next couple of days until I get used to it, I am going to feel so "off". And its not just me. I think it messes with my girls even more. We tried to put Haley to bed at 8:30 since that's her normal bedtime. She's gotten up at least three times. I am so not looking forward to getting her up in the morning. Tomorrow is her first day back to school following Mardi Gras break so its definitely going to be hectic. So far I haven't heard anything out of Emme's room and I am praying that it stays that way.

The days aren't getting longer just because the sun is out longer, but I am so, so, so busy at work. I am so busy at work and have worked so much this week, that I am really hoping I can find something clean for everyone to wear tomorrow. I can't believe I just admitted that for the world to read. Maybe that means I should be doing laundry instead of blogging, But let's face it, blogging is more fun than laundry. I despise laundry. The washing part is okay, but its the putting it all away that gets me. Especially when I am as behind as I am. But I guess that happens when you work 50+ hour weeks and then decide on a whim to paint the laundry room. Technically that last part wasn't decided on a whim. I have been talking about painting my laundry room FOREVER. It was the timing of the project that was, shall we say, spontaneous. Oh well. I guess there never really is a "good time" for these things. Sometimes if you want to do something you just gotta do it. Even if it means getting really behind on your laundry. So my hope for this week is that the extra sunlight will give me the energy I need to get the laundry done. And I mean done. Sheets, bath mats, EVERYTHING!!! I know you are all so jealous of my super exciting life. Okaym so maybe its not exciting by most definitions of the word, but I like it. And that's all that matters. :)

On that note, I hope you enjoy the extra sunshine tomorrow as much as I will and accomplish whatever goal you have made for yourself, regardless of how much excitement (or lack of excitement) it may bring you!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Pure Frustration

Today was one of those days that made me question a lot of things in my life. Mainly, am I doing what I am supposed to be doing with it? Did I pick the right career? Or am I in the wrong line of work? If I am in the wrong line of work, what is the right line of work? If I didn't pick the wrong career, did I take the wrong job? Am I being a good wife and mother? Do my friends think I am a good friend? Do I take care of the house well enough? Or the yard? I could go on and on, but I think you get the idea.

If I had to choose my biggest flaw it would be my desire to achieve perfection in just about every aspect of my life. Obviously that is an impossible goal, but I shoot for it anyway. And on the days here it is especially clear that I am not perfect, I tend to be very hard on myself. I wish that wasn't the case. If it weren't I probably wouldn't be so stressed out and worried about something all the time. I am so bad about worrying that occaisionally I will realize that I am not worrying about anything and then I'll worry about the fact that I am not worrying. I know. I'm nuts.

The truth is, nothing life altering or earth shattering happened to me today. I just didn't have the greatest day. It probably didn't help that neither one of the girls slept all night last night so I was at a disadvantage before the alarm went off. I had a lot to get done at the office in a short amount of time, and that is usually a recipe for disaster. Truth be told the day could have been much, much worse. I just need to relax, get a good night's sleep (please, please, let me sleep!!), and start fresh in the morning. If nothing else, tomorrow is Friday and that's good for something, right???

Monday, March 7, 2011

I'll Sleep When I'm Dead

In a previous post I confessed my current abnormal fascination with all things Bravo TV. So hopefully when I tell you that the title for this post was inspired by two different Bravo reality stars you won't think I am completely insane. In last week's episode of Bethenny Ever After, Bethenny (who I LOVE!!!) used it when discussing everything she's got going on right now and in last night's season premiere of The Real Housewives of Orange County, Gretchen (who I really know absolutely nothing about other than she's not a big fan of Tamra) used it while talking about everything on her plate.

Today, as I contemplated everything that I have to do with work, the kids, the house, etc., it occured to me that "I'll sleep when I'm dead." is going to have to become my motto as well. There's just one problem: I LOVE my sleep. I do. Sleep and I have a very close relationship. I'm not really sure how its gonna work, but I've decided that we are just going to have to see a little less of each other. At least temporarily. Don't worry. I'm gonna take it slow. Maybe try staying up 30 minutes later one week and then gradually increase to an hour. Once I get to an hour I'll reevaluate and see how things are going. My goal is not sleep deprivation. I just need to find a better balance between productivity and relaxation. Right now relaxation is winning by a landslide. And while relaxation itself is not bad, too much of it could be called laziness. I do not want to be a lazy person, nor do I want to raise my girls to be lazy people. I grew up around a lot of laziness and trust me when I say nothing good comes from it. So wish me luck as I try out my new motto....I have a feeling I am going to need it!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I am watching one of my all time favorite movies right now, Something's Gotta Give. I love, love, love this movie. It makes me want to learn to speak French, learn to cook more, and can I just tell you how much I really, really, I mean REALLY want that house in the Hamptons? In case you can't tell, I would totally recommend this movie to anyone who hasn't seen it.

One of the best things that I like about this movie actually doesn't have anything to do with the movie at all. Do you ever notice how things like a song, a smell, or in this case a movie can take you back to a certain point in your life? Well for me, watching this movie makes me think of May 13, 2009. This is my youngest daughter, Emme's, birthday. Not knowing what kind of television channels I would have access to while in the hospital, Brent decided to make sure that I would have plenty of viewing choices and brought his laptop and a handful of DVDs with us. I was induced at 6 a.m. and Emme was born just before 11. Later that evening Brent went home to get a shower and grab a few things, but before he left he put in Something's Gotta Give. So me and Emme spent our first night together watching this very same movie that is playing on my television right now. Its hard to believe almost two years have passed. I really don't know where the time goes. Oh well, I guess if I ever want to re-live that sweet night, all I have to do is pop in a DVD. And one day when Emme is old enough, we can watch it together and I can tell her the story about how we watched it the day she was born.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Bethenny's Back!!!

Over the past year I think its safe to say that I have become somewhat of a Bravo reality TV junkie. It started with the Real Housewives of New York, closely followed by the Real Housewives of New Jersey, then Flipping Out, the Rachel Zoe Project, the Real Houswives of DC, Atlanta, and of course, Beverly Hills. But I think my all time favorite reality show on Bravo is probably Bethenny Getting Married. So I am super excited to be writing this post during the commercials of the season premier of Bethenny Ever After. Mondays just got a little easier knowing that whatever happens during the day I can look forward to cracking up at whatever Bethenny, Jason, Bryn, & Cookie are up to. If you have never watched the show you should check it out. It comes on Monday night at 10/9 central on Bravo. Trust me. Watch it. I hope you enjoy it like I do!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Spring Fever

After what seemed like an eternity of freezing cold temps, I am oh so happy to report that I have been able to break out the spring wardrobe this week. Its been warm and sunny every day and its got me itching to spring clean. I just have one little problem: By the time I get home from work, get the girls fed, bathed, and to bed, my internal on/off switch turns to off. Even if its only nine o'clock. This happens to me every year during tax season and I get so frustrated and down on myself. Its so hard to keep up with everything. I'd hire a cleaning service just to come in and do a one time deep clean, but who am I kidding? With two little ones running around that would be money down the drain within 24 hours. So its gonna have to be up to me. And the hubby. The truth is I really can't be too depressed about the current state of my home for at least two reasons.

1. Its been way worse than this at more than one point in time.
2. I actually broke down and painted one of my hallways last weekend and am in the process of prepping my laundry room for painting. Let's face it, any type of redecorating is going to put a kink in the housekeeping schedule.

I am not sure what possessed me to paint any room of my house during this time of the year. I guess I have just been in a home decorating lull for so long that I had to do something for fear that my kids would graduate high school and our house would still look almost the same way it did the day we moved in. Maybe I am exaggerating a little, but let's face it. Sometimes you just have to stop talking and start doing. And that's just what I did. I'm glad I did. The hallway looks much better. We have a tiny bit of touching up to do but not much. I can't wait to see the finished product. Painting the hallway actually gave me the confidence I need to tackle the laundry room. Hopefully painting the laundry room will give me the confidence to tackle the guest bathroom, bedroom, etc. I'll keep you posted. Maybe I'll even get adventurous and figure out how to post some before and after pics. Maybe this will motivate me to quit putting off projects I want to do around here. Maybe.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dinner with the Girls

Tonight after work I had the wonderful pleasure of dining with four women that I am privileged to have met. It was supposed to be five, but one of them had to re-schedule a hair appointment so she wasn't able to come. We all met a year and a half ago when all of our kids started K3 at the same school and were put in the same class. We were all "new parents" to the school and I guess we sort of bonded over the year. Sadly, most of our kids got separated for K4, but we moms have stuck together. Tonight was actually only our second "girls' night". The first one we had was back in November when one of the ladies was getting ready to welcome her second baby boy into the world. We actually did it as kind of a surprise shower for her and ended up having so much fun that we thought we should make it a regular thing. I guess its just taken us a while to find a date that worked for everybody. I especially treasure my time with my friends during these months. I work so much extra that I really need that time to laugh and talk about things other than work. The only downside to girls night is that I never know what to expect when I walk through the door at home. Luckily tonight it wasn't bad at all. I had a little clean up to do in the kitchen but that was about it.

Its a good thing that's all I had to do because I am still fighting this crud. I am feeling much better, but I know the only thing that's truly going to help is rest. Unfortunately, there's not a lot of that to be had anytime soon. A co-worker told me that her daughter's preschool teacher told her that this has been the worst year for sickness in her classroom that she can remember. I'd believe it. I have gotten two notices from Haley's school saying there had been confirmed cases of flu and strep throat in her class. It must be by the grace of God that we haven't had any of that. I guess I need to pray hard that it stays that way! Right now I am taking it one day at a time.....

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I Need a Sick Day

After successfully making it through the entire month of January without so much as a sniffle, my sick-free streak has come to an end. It started on Sunday. I woke up with a sore throat. Determined not to let the sore throat win, I drank five Emergen-C packs throughout the day and managed to work on laundry, bake the most delicious cake ever, and cook the best potato soup ever. We had family over for dinner and the first half of the Super Bowl and when everyone went home and it was time for bed the house was still clean. I thought I had conquered this illness that was attempting to invade me. I was wrong. I woke up yesterday morning to the same sore throat. But, like any good accountant would do in the middle of tax season, I dragged myself out of bed and to the office. I drank four Emergen-C packs and lasted until about six thirty in the evening. I went to bed last night feeling pretty good. Then I woke up this morning with - you guessed it - a sore throat. Only today it has lingered. Continuously filling myself with Emergen-C has not seemed to help. At least I am not plagued with all of the other fun stuff that is going around like a stuffy nose, cough, fever, or heaven forbid the flu. Its just a really annoying sore throat. Oh how I wish I could call in sick tomorrow. The mere thought of having an empty, quiet house all to myself for at least eight hours is very appealing to me. Don't get me wrong, I love my family, but a little solitude and rest is just what I need every now and then. Especially when I am not feeling well. Oh- and before I forget, in case you aren't familiar with Emergen -C, its 1000 mg of vitamin C and 7 B vitamins. It comes in individual packs that you mix with a glass of water. I heard about it from a co worker. Anyway since I will NOT be calling in sick tomorrow, its time to call it a night. Here's hoping I won't wake up with a sore throat in the morning.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Brrr...its cold!!!

I am so ready for warm weather. I absolutely HATE the cold weather we have been having lately. That's really sad considering I live on the Gulf Coast. Let's face it.....there are places that have had snow and ice repeatedly dumped on them this year so I guess I really shouldn't complain just because we've had some low temps. When I first moved down here, I wasn't a fan of the mild winters believe it or not. I had a hard time wrapping my mind around the fact that you could literally wear shorts and flip flops on Christmas Day. OK so I still think its weird to wear shorts and flip flops on Christmas, but its nice to be able to wear long sleeves and a light jacket rather than a sweater and a heavy coat.

I am also ready for more daylight. Every morning my alarm goes off at 5:30. For those of you who are fortuneate enough not to have to wake up at so evil an hour, its dark outside at 5:30. So I hit snooze and then my alarm goes off again at 5:40. Still dark. The process repeats twice. Finally at 6, I know there is no way I am getting Haley to school on time and me to work on time if I don't get up so I drag myself out of bed, rush to get all of us ready and out the door. Then by the time I get to the office I am completely frazzled and realize it could have been totally avoided if I had only gotten up on time. Fast forward to the end of the day. Its 5 p.m. And once again, you guessed it, its dark outside. To make matters worse I get to stay at work until at least six, even seven some nights, until the middle of April. So by the time I finally get home it looks like it should be midnight rather than 6:30 or 7:30. I come in, spend a few quality minutes with the kiddos before they have to go to bed, and then I feel like its time for bed myself. Only that doesn't happen because there's dinner to clean up after and clothes to fold. Oh yeah, and occaisionally the hubby likes it if I spend some time with him as well. That brings me to now, 10:52 p.m., and I am convincing myself that tomorrow will be the day that I will not hit the snooze button. I will get up on time, work some magic to find an outfit that will not cause me to freeze all day long, and make it to the office feeling as non frazzled as I can. Maybe if I keep telling myself that it will actually happen. Maybe.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Welcome to 2011!!!

It's 2011 and I am happy to report that the Blake family is finally getting on the technology bandwagon. I am typing the words to this post on my brand new laptop!!! I have never owned a laptop and I have been talking about getting one for at least 4 years. So after years of talking, looking, and talking some more, we walked into Best Buy this afternoon with the intent of purchasing a wireless router and walked out having purchased a computer. It's a Dell Inspiron and yes, its pink.

So if at the time we went to Best Buy this morning we had no laptop and no real intent of buying a laptop, why were we out to get a wireless router? I will tell you. On December, 23, 2010, my husband's Christmas present was delivered. I got him a 46 inch Sony Bravia HD LCD 1080p 3D TV. Oh and I threw in the 3D Blue Ray player to go with it. Both the Blue Ray player and the TV have a built in wireless connection so that both things can automatically download software updates. I can supposedly do anything on my TV now that I can on my computer. At least as far as the internet goes. Its kind of weird.

We also had to upgrade our DirectTV receiver. When the guys from Bailey's TV were setting up the new stuff, I found out that although my TV was 3D compatible, my satellite reciever was not. After three weeks or so I finally got around to calling to order a new one, and about another week after the new one arrived we finally got around to making the switch.

So there you have it. New TV, new Blue Ray, new satellite receiver, and new computer. AND everything is fully operational. So far. On the agenda for tomorrow: a Netflix account.